• +673 2461020
  • enquiry.triced@utb.edu.bn

UTB055 | An Overview of FINTECH: What Consumers Should know

Level | Intermediate

Enrollment Deadline Commencement Date End Date Duration
31st October 2021 07th January 2022 07th January 2022 Half Day (4 Hours)

The course is designed to help the consumers understand the nature and operations of the various payment methods and their implications on their financial status.

Entry Requirement |


UTB Facilitator |

  • Dr Salihu Aramide Ibrahim

Course Method Online Venue of Training UTB
Type of Training Short Course Certification Type COP | Certificate of Participation

Henry Ford

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young