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  • enquiry.triced@utb.edu.bn

UTB050 | An Introduction To Accounting Theory

Level | Basic

Enrollment Deadline Commencement Date End Date Duration
31st October 2021 08th January 2022 13th January 2022 5 days

The course aims to develop the readers' ability to think critically about accounting. Accounting theory is covered succinctly and clearly, including all new developments such as integrated accounting. The course helps to provide students and professionals with the theoretical background they need to keep up with convergence issues and succeed in today's increasingly global economy. It begins by explaining what theory is, why and how agency theory underpins accounting and how to distinguish positive from normative theories. The book covers the IASB conceptual framework and its changing emphases, how accounting standards fit within the framework, and how standards exemplify theories of regulation, Capital market theory for accounting professional

Entry Requirement |


UTB Facilitator |

  • Dr.Junaid M.Shaikh

Course Method Online Venue of Training UTB
Type of Training Short Course Certification Type COC | Certificate of Completion

Henry Ford

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young